Feed-back on the summer eco-volunteer missions in Sulawesi

Indonesia – Naturevolution continued its activities throughout the summer at around 50 different sites in Matarape Bay and the Matarombeo massif in the southeast of Sulawesi Island, thanks to the presence of 30 eco-volunteers spread over 3 missions.

Our summer eco-volunteers in front of the group of islets of Sombori, one of the most beautiful spots in the bay of Matarape. © Philippe Mistral / Naturevolution

Focused on Matarape Bay, a beautiful but unprotected site, our actions to protect marine ecosystems have led to concrete and encouraging results for the future of our projects in this area:

  • A total of 20 beaches have been cleaned, including all of the wild beaches on the large island of Labengki.
  • The waste has all been sorted and sent to the town of Kendari, where is located the only waste disposal plant in the area, and where some of the waste can be recovered. This is part of our project to implement a waste management system for the province, presented in this video.
  • 5 awareness-raising conferences, including on the issue of plastics in the environment, were held in Bay villages.
  • 14 information signs were produced and installed on sensitive natural sites.

Discover in detail all our actions on ocean pollution by plastic waste as well as a typical field day on this post: Naturevolution tackles plastic waste in Indonesia.

Information boards in Indonesian and English explain the best practices to be followed in order to best preserve the coastline of Matarape Bay. © Philippe Mistral / Naturevolution

The “protection of coral reefs” side:

  • we installed about 10 mooring buoys to preserve the corals from the anchors of the ships,
  • three separate reefs are now monitored by regular observation protocols:
    – the REEF-CHECK protocol, which makes it possible to monitor the medium-term development of the general health of a coral reef,
    – the ACANTASTHER protocol, which makes it possible to assess the evolution of the populations of thorn-crowned starfish (acanthaster planci), corallivorous and prone to population explosions that are devastating to reefs.

Learn more about the underwater component of our actions: Preserving the coral reefs of Matarape Bay.

Acanthaster infestation on a colony of acropores (tabular corals). © Valentin Nègre / Naturevolution

And as usual, our missions ended with a small discovery of the completely wild massif of Matarombeo, going up the rivers in a canoe: Incursion into the jungle of Matarombeo.

You too, come to the field: if you would like to join us in the field to take part in our actions to preserve the natural environments of Sulawesi Island in Indonesia, the dates of our next eco-volunteer missions are on our website:

Eco-volunteer missions in Indonesia: information and registration

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