Scoresby Sund – Groenland

In 2016, Naturevolution led a scientific expedition to the world’s largest fjord system.

Expédition dans le Scoresby Sund au Groenland

The expedition

In summer 2016, Naturevolution led a scientific expedition to Scoresby Sund, the world’s largest fjord system, on the east coast of Greenland.

Le film de l'expédition Scoresby

The film

The expedition gave rise to a film recounting – with humour! – the adventures of the expedition and the scientists’ research. Broadcast on Arte and Ushuaïa TV, the film is now available online.

Exposition sur une expédition au Groenland

The exhibition

To highlight the beauty of this corner of the Arctic and raise awareness of its fragility in the face of global warming, an exhibition combines illustrations, photographs and video sequences on large panels.

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