Sulawesi Tenggara – Indonesia

On the island of Sulawesi, Naturevolution is working to protect the last vast expanse of primary forest on the island, as well as an archipelago of small islands that are home to the rich marine life of the Coral Triangle.

Le karst de Matarombeo sur l'île de Sulawesi en Indonésie

The karsts of Sulawesi Tenggara

Southeast Sulawesi is considered to be one of the last wildernesses of Sulawesi, home to some 700,000 hectares of largely untouched forest, as well as an archipelago of karst islets and some of the richest coral reefs in our oceans.

Les récifs coralliens de Sulawesi

The biodiversity of Sulawesi

Sulawesi is a hotspot of biodiversity. Its forests, mangroves and coral reefs are home to species that exist nowhere else and are in danger of extinction.

La pollution aux déchets plastiques en Indonésie

The threats

The Sulawesi Tenggara province are almost a textbook case of the threats to biodiversity: deforestation, illegal fishing, mining, plastic pollution and invasive species, it’s all there!

Our projects in the Sulawesi Tenggara province

We are carrying out several projects on this threatened territory:

Refuse Plastic focuses on waste management and recycling in the town of Kendari and surrounding villages.

Rainforest of the Sea targets threats to coral reefs, including acanthaster infestations.

Karsts Protected Area aims to protect the karst massifs and islands of Matarombeo, Mekongga, Tangkelemboke, Sombori and Labengki.

Nickel Impact Mitigation works to reduce the impact of nickel mining on all the region’s terrestrial, riverine and marine ecosystems.

For the protection of the Giant Clams and the exceptional reefs of Sulawesi

Ocean pollution prevention and waste recycling in Sulawesi

For the preservation and rehabilitation of reefs in the heart of the coral triangle

Supporting the preservation of the Sulawesi Tenggara province

Our local partners

Ecovolunteering in Indonesia

Since 2019 and the creation of the Naturevolution Indonesia association, we have been working closely with it and actively supporting it.

Naturevolution also partners with other local organizations to carry out its projects. On the protection of coral reefs, we work with Toli Toli Giant Clam Conservation, a marine conservation organization that has been involved locally for about ten years. For the karsts of Sulawesi Tenggara, we are developing a collaboration with the Komunitas Teras association.

The expeditions

After an initial exploration in 2012 and a scientific prospecting expedition in 2014 in the foothills of the Matarombeo massif, we’ve made numerous other forays into the region’s karsts and islands. We plan to carry out a new series of expeditions to justify our proposal for protected area status.

Wallacea Expeditions 2024 – Indonesia
Scientific expeditions to discover the largest area of intact primary forest on the island of Sulawesi
Presentation of the expeditionLogbook
First scientific expedition in the karstic massif of Matarombeo, on the island of Sulawesi
Matarombeo 2014 – Indonesia
First expedition in the karstic massif of Matarombeo, on the island of Sulawesi
Presentation of the expeditionLogbook

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