Naturevolution, in particular through its founder Evrard Wendenbaum, takes part in events of all kinds to get its message across about protecting biodiversity. These immersive conferences can be adapted according to the context of the intervention and can also be coupled with a documentary projection or a photographic exhibition.
Here is the list of events in which the association has participated:
- March 2012: Speech as part of the 1% for the Planet partnership between 8 Valois and Naturevolution.
- January 2012: Evrard Wendenbaum speaks at the Tedx Concorde conference at the Espace Pierre Cardin on the theme “How to rethink the protection of biodiversity”.
- November 2011: Presentation at ESC la Rochelle on the theme of adventure and entrepreneurship
- January 2011: Videoconference at the Grenoble Museum, live from Makay with the Expedition 3 team
- February 2012: Screening of the film “Makay, le dernier Eden” near Geneva as part of a tribute to mountaineer Giovanni Quirici
- January 2012: Preview of the film “Makay, discovering the last Eden” at the Grenoble Museum
- December 2011: 10 previews of the film “Makay, adventurers of the lost world” in Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Marseille and Rennes
- November 2011: Preview and press conference at the Cité des Sciences for the film “Makay, les aventuriers du monde perdu”.
- November 2011: Terres d’Ailleurs Festival in Toulouse and presentation of the film “Makay, le dernier Eden”.
- November 2011: La Rochelle Adventure Film Festival and presentation of the upcoming film “Makay, les aventuriers du monde perdu”.
- January 2011: Videoconference on 19 January 2011 at the Natural History Museum in Grenoble, live from the Makay with scientists in the field.
- March 2009: Conference in Evian on the film “Makay, le dernier Eden”