
The scientific objectives were to :

  • Provide an initial taxonomic inventory of a few targeted groups based on specific criteria (i) of high patrimonial/endemism value (mammals, birds, ichthyofauna) or (ii) of high alpha-diversity (entomofauna).
  • Characterise, model and assess the state of degradation of the various biotopes visited
  • Understand the extraordinary geological phenomena that occur in the massif (desertification, processes of erosion and alteration of rocks and soils, origin of fossil woods, process of formation of giant oxide tubes, etc.) through a pedological, hydrological and geological study.
  • Understand the history of the people of Madagascar by trying to pierce the mystery of some very ancient Sakalava caves and burial sites.

The Makay Nature 2010 n°1 expedition was ambitious because it was the first scientific mission ever carried out in this massif, which is so difficult to access, and because it therefore required precautions and special logistics.

It was also ambitious because we wanted to make a film about this scientific adventure. The constraints of a film shoot are not the same as those of a scientific expedition, so making the film and achieving the scientific objectives at the same time was not an easy task. But this multitude of skills has led to great emulation and a very rich sharing of knowledge.