Day 13 – Rest for some, exploration for others

Today we split in two. One group stayed behind to treat their feet and rest. And another group went to see the camp they call the “dua” camp, the “two” camp, people who work on the river, whether for the local industries, particularly Jhonlin, for sugar cane, or for the deer hunters who live up there.

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Day 14 – Arrival at the first cliffs

I decided not to make the crossing alone. We packed up the camp and set off, in no hurry, arriving around 12.30pm at the “Dua” camp, where we’d been the day before. We had lunch there, chatted some more, and had a really nice time. At around 2pm we set off again for a slightly longer run than the one we’d done in the morning, but there was a bit more current as well, so it went a bit faster.

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Day 15 – Last explorations in the caves… Before the loss of equipment

When we woke up, Antoine, Ime and I set off to explore the cliff just above our camp. Using machetes to clear a path, we went along the cliff to the right and then to the left, but we didn’t find anything at all. We came back to the camp, and we’d asked Jamyl and Bagus to pack up the tents and prepare to leave, but they hadn’t done anything. Jamyl’s feet were really hurting and he couldn’t move, and Bagus’s feet were hurting too and he wanted to settle down.

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