Privacy policy

Update: October 2020.

Please note that this privacy policy may be amended or supplemented at any time by the Naturevolution association, in particular in order to comply with any changes in legislation, regulations, case law or technology. In such a case, the date of the update will be clearly identified at the top of the present policy. These modifications are binding on the User as soon as they are posted online. It is therefore advisable for the User to consult this privacy and cookie use policy on a regular basis in order to take note of any changes.


The Naturevolution association, founded in 2009, brings together people from all horizons who decided to join forces around a common mission – the protection of biodiversity throughout the world – and a modus operandi consisting of exploration and scientific research expeditions, actions to raise awareness of the beauty of natural environments and change individual and collective behavior, and nature protection projects in the field, through sustainable economic development, social development, and the protection and regeneration of natural environments.

In this context, the Naturevolution association collects the personal data of citizens, members, ecovolunteers and members with whom it wishes to build a strong and lasting relationship based on trust, either on the basis of the legitimate interest of charitable canvassing, free and informed consent, or legal obligations. That’s why we take great care to guarantee your online security as rigorously as possible.

The purpose of this policy is to inform you of the practices and conditions under which the Naturevolution association collects and processes personal data. This applies to all data collected on all Naturevolution websites and in the context of its online partnerships, whatever their nature.

List of Naturevolution association websites:

As the data controller, the Naturevolution association undertakes to comply with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés) as amended on June 20, 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR – Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council) published in the Official Journal on April 27, 2016 and applicable since May 25, 2018. To ensure compliance with these rules, the Naturevolution association has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who is the main contact for the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) and the organization’s point of reference on personal data protection issues.

Personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”) is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person is deemed to be “identifiable” if he or she can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a first and last name, an identification number, location data, a postal address, an online identifier, an IP address or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

This privacy policy supplements the legal notices that Users may consult.

Article I – Personal data collected

In general, you can visit all of the Naturevolution association’s sites without communicating any personal information about yourself. In any event, you are under no obligation to transmit this information to the Naturevolution association.

Nevertheless, in the event of refusal, you may not be able to benefit from certain information or services that you have requested. In certain cases, the Naturevolution association may ask you to provide your surname, first name, title, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, organization and function, and date of birth (hereinafter referred to as your “Personal Information”). By providing this information, you expressly agree to it being processed by the Naturevolution association, for the purposes indicated in point 2 below and for the purposes stated at the end of each form.

The Naturevolution association respects data minimization by collecting and processing only data that is strictly necessary for the purpose(s) for which it is processed. The Naturevolution association also takes all necessary steps to ensure that your data is accurate, complete and, if necessary, updated.

1. Identity of the party responsible for collecting and processing personal data

The person responsible for processing the personal data collected is the Naturevolution association, whose head office is located at Les Clots de la Charmette, 38220 Séchilienne, France.

2. Definition and nature of personal data

When you use Naturevolution’s websites, we may ask you to provide us with personal data. In this context, we collect the following data:

Information you give us

  • information enabling you to be identified when you subscribe to the newsletter service (via MailChimp): e-mail address (mandatory), surname (optional), first name (optional);
  • Information required to process your donation (via HelloAsso): surname, first name, e-mail address, postal address, nationality, date of birth;
  • any information you choose to provide.

Information we collect automatically when you use our websites

When you use the Naturevolution association websites and for the proper performance of our services, we may also automatically collect personal data about you via the tools and services offered on the websites. We collect the following data:

  • Information concerning participation in one of our missions or expeditions: location and year of participation.
  • Information concerning the capacity(ies) in which you are in relation with Naturevolution: subscriber to our general newsletter, member or ex-member of the Naturevolution association (including date of membership), donor, partner, scientist, ecovolunteer, pre-registered for one of our ecovolunteer missions, press contact (press mailing list), or person interested in our educational activities (educational activities mailing list).
  • Geolocation information: when you use certain features, we may collect information about your location, in particular your IP address (newsletter opening);
  • Information concerning the use of tools and functionalities: we collect information concerning your interactions, in particular, the pages or content consulted on Naturevolution websites, the links you clicked on;
  • Connection information and information relating to the equipment and devices you use to connect: we collect connection data from devices when you access and use the Naturevolution association websites, even if you are not registered, and in particular, your IP address, connection dates and times, data relating to the computer hardware and software used, unique identifiers, crash data, pages viewed or displayed before or after connecting;

3. Purpose of personal data collection

The automated processing carried out by the Naturevolution association serves explicit, legitimate and specific purposes. These purposes are mainly as follows:

  • in the context of free and informed consent for the management of external communication, awareness-raising information and mobilization, as well as for the analysis of statistical information to improve and optimize websites (in particular through the use of cookies);
  • within the framework of charitable canvassing of Naturevolution community members and potential donors;
  • as part of Naturevolution’s legal obligations to manage member and donor relations.
  • as part of local physical events (specific communication targeting a geographical area around the event venue based on the IP addresses collected) or association communications (e.g. communication specific to ecovolunteering).

When we collect your personal data, we inform you whether certain information is mandatory or optional. We’ll also tell you the possible consequences of failing to respond.

4. Recipients of data collected and processed

The Naturevolution association communicates the data it collects to its internal departments and service providers (see Article 1 – 7). All persons having access to your data are authorized and determined and are bound by an obligation of confidentiality, in the case of employees and directors, or by a subcontracting agreement in the case of service providers.

5. Data retention period

The Naturevolution association will only keep your data for as long as is necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes for which it was collected, in compliance with current legislation.

Data relating to the management and monitoring of relations with members and donors :

Your personal data will not be kept longer than is strictly necessary to manage our relationship with you. However, data required to establish proof of a right or contract, or to comply with a legal obligation, will be kept for the period stipulated by the law in force. We keep your data for a maximum period of three (3) years from the date of collection of your data or the last contact from the user or the closure of your account on the Platform. In the 3 months prior to the expiry of the 3-year data retention period, we may contact you again to inform you whether or not you wish to continue receiving information about our services.

Concerning credit card data :

Financial transactions relating to the payment of financing operations and fees via the HelloAsso form are entrusted to a payment service provider who ensures their smooth and secure processing. We do not have access to this data. For the purposes of the services, this payment service provider may be required to receive your personal data relating to your bank details and in particular your bank card, IBAN or RIB numbers, which it collects and stores in our name and on our behalf.

Concerning audience measurement statistics :

Information stored in users’ terminals (in particular via cookies) or any other element used to identify users and enabling their traceability or frequentation will not be kept beyond thirteen (13) months.

6. Data security

The Naturevolution association is committed to protecting and securing your personal data. In this context, the Naturevolution association implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent, as far as possible, any alteration or loss of your data, as well as any unauthorized access thereto.

7. Authorized service providers and data transfer

The Naturevolution association carries out all personal data processing on French technical platforms hosting their data in third countries of the European Union. The Naturevolution association has previously ensured that its service providers implement adequate safeguards and comply with strict conditions regarding confidentiality, usage and data protection.

  • Mailchimp is a platform for managing e-mail campaigns and contact databases. We invite you to consult Mailchimp’s privacy policy.
  • HelloAsso is a platform that enables associations, foundations, endowment funds, non-profit organizations and/or all players in the social economy to raise funds online from contributors who use the Platform. We invite you to consult HelloAsso’s privacy policy.

Your personal data will not be sold, rented or exchanged for the benefit of third parties. However, you are informed that we reserve the right to communicate your data to third parties in fully anonymized and aggregated form, i.e. in a form that does not allow you to be identified in any way whatsoever.

Article 2 – Data protection rights

You have the following rights concerning your Personal Information, which you may exercise by filling in the contact form.

1. Consent

When you choose to communicate your personal data for the purposes of performing the services we offer through the Naturevolution association websites, you expressly give your consent to the collection and processing of such data in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy and current legislation.

2. Right of access and communication of data

In accordance with law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and civil liberties, as well as the GDPR, you have the right to access your data (article 15 of the GDPR) to obtain communication and, where applicable, rectification or deletion (articles 16 and 17 of the GDPR), through online access to your file. You can access your personal information by using the contact form. It is recalled that any person may, on legitimate grounds, request the limitation of the processing of data concerning him or her (Article 18 of the GDPR) or object to said processing (Articles 21 and 22 of the GDPR). We will inform you that in the event of rectification or erasure of your personal data, as well as limitation of processing, carried out following a request from you, we will notify the said changes to the persons to whom we have communicated your data, unless such communication proves impossible (Article 19 of the GDPR).

However, due to the obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data incumbent on the Naturevolution association, you are informed that your request will be processed subject to you providing proof of your identity, in particular by producing a digital copy of your valid identity document (in the event of a request via our dedicated electronic form) or a signed photocopy of your valid identity document (in the event of a request sent in writing). The Naturevolution association informs you that it will be entitled, if necessary, to oppose manifestly abusive requests (due to their number, repetitive or systematic nature).

To help you with your request, in particular if you wish to exercise your right of access by sending a written request to the postal address mentioned in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter drawn up by the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (“CNIL”):

3. Right to rectify data

Under this right, you are entitled by law to request the rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of any data concerning you that may be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete.

You can also define general and specific directives concerning the fate of your personal data after your death. In such cases, the heirs of a deceased person may request that the death of their loved one be taken into account and/or that the necessary updates be made.

To help you with your request, and in particular if you wish to exercise your right to rectification on your own behalf or on behalf of a deceased relative, please send a written request to the postal address mentioned in point 1. Click on the following link to download a model letter drawn up by CNIL:

4. Right to object

This right can only be exercised in one of the following two situations:

  • Where the exercise of this right is based on legitimate grounds; or
  • When the purpose of exercising this right is to prevent the data collected from being used for commercial prospecting purposes.

To help you with your request, particularly if you wish to exercise your right to object by sending a written request to the postal address indicated in point 1, you will find a model letter drawn up by the CNIL by clicking on the following link: https: //

5. Response times

The Naturevolution association undertakes to reply to your request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable period of time, which may not exceed 1 month from receipt of your request.

6. Complaint to the competent authority

If you consider that the Naturevolution association is not complying with its obligations with regard to your Personal Information, you may lodge a complaint or a request with the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL, to which you can send an electronic request by clicking on the following link: https: //

Article 3 – Hypertext links

In the event that the Naturevolution association proposes hypertext links to other sites, whether on the web sites of Naturevolution association members or other public resources on the web, these web pages, whose addresses are regularly verified, do not form part of the resources of the Naturevolution association. The association Naturevolution is not responsible for their content. We recommend that you consult the privacy policies of these sites, as their terms and conditions may differ from those of Naturevolution. The Naturevolution association is in no way responsible for the processing of data by these other websites.

Article 4 – Cookies

When you first connect to the Naturevolution association’s websites, you are warned by a banner at the bottom of your screen that information relating to your browsing may be recorded in files called “cookies”. Our policy on the use of cookies gives you a better understanding of the provisions we implement for browsing our website. In particular, it informs you about all the cookies present on our website, their purpose and how to configure them.

Article 5 – Modifications

We regularly update our legal notice, terms and conditions and privacy policy. The present policy may change if the legal and regulatory context so requires, as well as in accordance with CNIL doctrine.